The effects of scopoletin (6-methoxy 7-hydroxycoumarin) and cyanide on serum Na+, K+, Urea, creatinine and some haematological parameters of female Wistar rats were compared. The rats were randomly divided into six groups, and administered respectively 7g/ml, 21g/ml, 35g/ml scopoletin, 1.8mg/ml cyanide, 10% dimethyl sulphoxide (the vehicle for the administration of scopoletin) and 1ml distilled water orally per kg body weight at 24 hourly intervals. All the rats were maintained ad libitum on chicks' mash and were sacrificed after 14 days. Scopoletin at the level found in processed cassava diet (7g/ml) increased bleeding time, Rbc count, serum urea and K+ levels compared to 1.8mg/ml cyanide which is approximately the level consumed by a 70kg man in cassava consuming populations per day. Among the groups administered scopoletin serum levels of K+ and creatinine increased with increasing concentration while Na+ and Urea level decreased with increasing concentration. The results of this study suggest further investigations on the effects of scopoletin and cyanide on haematopoiesis and kidney function.
(Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences: 2002 8(3): 311-314)