The effect of intermolecular hydrogen bonding on the molecular structure of vanillin has been studied using negative ion chemical ionization (NICl) mass spectrometry methods. The [Trimer-H2O] and [Dimer-H2O] were observed at m/z 438 and 286 respectively in NICl (CH4) mass spectrum of vanillin. The NICl (Cl) mass spectrum of vanillin differs where deprotonated molecular ion peak, [monomer-H] at m/z,151 was the second most abundant ion peak. The base ion peak was observed at m/z,187 due to the presence of monomer+35Cl. The [Trimer-H2O] and [Dimer - H2O] were not detected due to the presence of chloride ion. The results obtained support that the crystal of vanillin consists of trimer and dimer of 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzaldehyde.
Keywords 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzaldehyde, vanillin, intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
(Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences: 2002 9(1): 101-104)