A study to determine the prevalence and types of refractive errors among secondary school students in Isuikwuato Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria was conducted. Pre-tested questionnaires were administered by two trained interviewers. Penlight examination, Hisirschberg's test, cover test, funduscopy with a direct ophthalmoscope, without and when necessary, with dilatation were performed by one optometrist. The design of this study was a cross sectional survey involving a one-time screening of 22 secondary school students in the LGA aged 11 "and 19 grouped in four yearly intervals for common refractive errors. Vision screening was conducted and those respondents found to have refractive errors were referred for further examination using the Modified Clinical Technique (MCT) criteria for referral. Furthermore, the randomness of refractive error among secondary student was tested with comparison independent sample and T-Test. When all cases of ametropia were considered, a total of 69.6% was found. Myopia predominated (36.2%), followed by hyperopia (18.0%) astigmatism (8.5%) and anisometropia (6.9%). Hence it is onus on us especially those in the medical profession to see that the menace of this refractive problem is checked.