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Influence of advanced maternal on obstetric performance of pregnant women attending General Hospital, Calabar
analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that 44(62%) of the subjects developed hypertension in pregnancy while 27(38%) did not; 45(63.4%) delivered by caesarean section while 26(36.6%) had normal vaginal delivery Foetal and neonatal mortality revealed that 16(22.5%) of cases resulted in intra-uterine deaths (fresh still births) included, and 55(77.5%) life births. Findings revealed a significant relationship between advanced maternal age and hypertension in pregnancy (X2 cal= 29.8, df 2> critical x2 = 5.991.). There is also significant relationship between maternal age and delivery by caesarean section (x2 cal = 30.9; df = 2> critical x2 = 5.991). There is significant relationship between advanced maternal age, foetal and neonatal mortality (x2 cal =65.2; df = 2>critical x2 = 5.991). Based on findings, special antenatal care for pregnant women aged 40years and above was