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Organizational climate and nurses’ job satisfaction in Cross River State, Health Institutions, Nigeria
respondents felt the organizational climate was conducive. Among the 450 Nurses, 244(54.2%) were not satisfied with their jobs, while 206(45.8%) Nurses felt satisfied with their various jobs. Among the 255 respondents that felt that organizational climate was not conducive, 57 (22.4%) had a significant impact on nursing care. Majority, 102 (40.0 %) felt like abandoning nursing profession for other professions that were more prestigious and promising, while 96 (37.6 %) felt like seeking for greener
pastures in developed countries. Correlation coefficient of 0.725 was obtained showing a significant relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction. Nurses from the federal institution had a significantly highly favorable perception of their organizational climate than nurses from state and private health institutions. To improve organizational climate and minimize migration of Nurses, Nurse leaders should be included as policy makers and be exposed to regular seminars and workshops to enlighten them on how to create conducive organizational climate.