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Current status of paragonimiasis in Old Netim 1 Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State - Nigeria

JT Abrahams
PA Akpan


Recent outbreak of Paragonimiasis in Old Netim 1. Akpamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State-Nigeria informed investigation to ascertain the status of the infection. Faecal and sputum samples collected were examined using double wet smear technique and centrifugal floatation techniques. Eighty-three (20.75%) of the four hundred (400) samples collected were positive with Paragonimus eggs. 34 (8.5%) and 47 (12.25%) of the 83 positive samples were from male and female
victims respectively. Positive samples had characteristic red colour due to blood stain. Infected person were between ages 9 and 65 years. Persons between 15 and 44 years had the highest number of victims. 9 (10.84%) of those infected were incapacitated. Among those incapacitated 3 (33.3%) and 6 (66.3%) were males and females respectively. Incapacitation was in the form of weakness, lameness and protracted chest cavity. In addition mental retardation was reported by infected primary pupil’s class teachers. Health education on food habit was conducted to enhance control of the infection.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-2911