To evaluate the adequacy of the use of informed consent in surgical practice from the patients’ perspective. The study was carried out in the department of Surgery, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, over a six-month period. A structured questionnaire was administered post operatively on patients, and parents/guardians of minors, who agreed to participate in the exercise. Data obtained included sociodemographic characteristics, description of surgery they had, whether surgical procedure was explained to them pre operatively or not, who gave the explanation, their level of understanding and their opinion on the process of obtaining the consent. Ninety one patients participated in the study. Male to female ratio was 3.8:1, with average age of 33.6 years (SD ± 13). Most of them (94.6%) had some level of formal education. Seventy nine patients (86.8%) knew the description of the surgical procedure. Pre operative explanation of the surgical procedure was given to 70.3% of the patients but 27.5% of these did not understand the explanation. A significant number of the patients (51.6%) were not satisfied with the explanation given. Even though all the patients had the consent form signed either by themselves or on their behalf by a close relative, 46.2% of them did not understand the content of the consent form and 67.1% did not understand the implication of what they had signed. The practice of informed consent for surgery is not adequate. Surgeons need to be further educated to improve their practice in this regard. The consent process needs to be simplified to enhance patients’ understanding and participation.