Christopher C. Osubor
Department of Biochemistry
University of Benin, P. M. B. 1154
Benin City, Nigeria
Michael O. Ibadin
Child Health
University of Benin, P. M. B. 1154
Benin City, Nigeria
Canice C. Asonye
University of Benin, P. M. B. 1154
Benin City, Nigeria
A study on the lipid profile of breast milk expressed from women in Benin City as influenced by age, parity, lactation duration, socio-economic status of the mother and sex of the baby was embarked upon. All the women chosen in the study practice exclusive breast feeding and, nursing successfully their evidently healthy infants. The age of the mother did not have any significant change on the total lipid, cholesterol and phospholipid composition of breast milk. Also, the sex of the baby did not affect lipid composition of breast milk of the mother. However, the results obtained show that parity (i.e. number of previous births), lactation period and socio-economic status of the mother separately altered milk lipid profile. While there was a gradual significant increase in total lipid as the lactation duration increased, a decrease in cholesterol and phospholipid was observed. Total lipid, cholesterol and phospholipid contents of breast milk increased as the number of previous births increases. Lastly, milk total lipid of lactating women from rich socio-economic background was higher than women with poor background.
(Global Journal of Medical Science, 2004, 3 (1&2): 23-27)