A case of spindle cell lipoma of the spermatic cord is reported in a 60-year old Saudi male who presented with a one-year history of painless, firm, right testicular mass provisionally diagnosed as a testicular tumour. The final diagnosis of spindle cell lipoma of the cord was made following histopathology of the excised tumour. A high degree of suspicion and attention to clinico-pathologic features are necessary for accurate diagnosis and avoidance of unnecessary radical surgery. This may be aided by immuno-histochemical tests for vimentin, a tissue-specific, intermediate filament protein (IFP), on the excised tissue. A brief review of the literature is undertaken. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of spindle cell lipoma of the spermatic cord reported.
(Global Journal of Medical Science, 2004, 3 (1&2): 9-11)