The present study compares twelve different histochemical methods of demonstrating mucopolysaccharides in normal and diseased tissues. The metachromatic dyes (Azur A and Thionin B) were the most useful stains for distinguishing epithelial mucopolysaccharides, which were orthochromatic, from connective tissue mucopolysaccharides, which were metachromatic. Periodic acid-Schiff, Alcian blue, Southgate rnucicarmine, and Hale colloidal iron stains were useful for the demonstration of mucopolysaccharides in general. However, these stains did not aid in the discrimination of epithelial from connective tissue mucopolysaccharides. Hexamine silver, Acridine orage and blocking of reactive groups by methyl esteriflcation, and saponification are technically inferior and not useful for demonstration of mucopolysaccharides.
Keywords: Metachromatic dyes, Mucopolysaccharides, Tissue processing.
(Global J Med Sci: 2002 1(1): 19-27)