Umoren (2000) has given the Linear Exchange Algorithm (LEA) for solving certain class of LP problems using the principles of optimal experimental design. This work sets out to establish, first, a first – order necessary condition for the existence of optimizers (minimizers) of certain class of LP problems. That is, if the d-function at the end point of the kth iteration is less than the d-function at any other point within the experimental space, then the d-function at the minimizer x* is the maximum of the minimum d-functions for k different iterations. Second, we also establish the fact that the differential d-functions between the starting point xok and the end point xk of the kth iteration in the LEA is a non-increasing function. This is a sufficient condition for the existence optimizers of LP problems.
Key Word: Linear Exchange Algorithm, Experimental Design, Linear Programming
Problems, d-function.
[Global Jnl Mathematical Sci Vol.2(1) 2003: 9-16]