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Evolution of technical universities: Challenges and causes of mission drift

Emmanuel Newman


The paper discusses the events and issues that had led to the elevation of polytechnics to technical universities in Ghana. It traces the developmental path of the institutions that have been designated as technical universities from the time of their establishment as polytechnics to the present. Issues that account for mission drift and isomorphism in polytechnics/technical universities are also discussed. We conclude that agitations by staff and students, changes engendered by the senior management of polytechnics, the structure of the Ghanaian economy and regulatory weakness are responsible for mission drift in polytechnic/technical university education and isomorphism in the tertiary education sector. Strategies to obviate mission drift and isomorphism are assessed to foster mission fulfillment in technical universities and promote a diversified tertiary education sector in Ghana. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3057-3556
print ISSN: 2343-6948