Editorial Team
Prof. J. N. Ayertey: jnayertey@gmail.com (University of Ghana)
Prof. Y. A. Ankomah: yaankomah@gmail.com (University of Cape Coast)
Dr. Margaret Atuahene: magat2006@gmail.com (University of Ghana)
Prof. Avea Nsoh: ephraimnsoh@yahoo.com (University of Education, Winneba)
Prof Ahmed Jinapor Abdulai: ajinapor@gtec.edu.gh (Director General of GTEC)
Prof Yayra Dzakadzie: ydzakadzie@gtec.edu.gh (Deputy Director General of GTEC)
Mr Saaka Sayuti (Director of Corporate Affairs, GTEC)
Mr Jerry Sarfo (Acting Head of Department for Publications and Documentation Department)
Mr Oscar Adoo-Adeku: oadeku@gtec.edu.gh (Secretary, Editorial Committee)