Translation – the art and science of converting the source language (SL) message into the target language (TL) – has the translator in charge of its operations, taking cognisance of the various ways adopted in the process. From the initial reading of a given text, to its interpretation, one begins to appreciate the task before the translator. Then come the exegesis, the analysis, the translation proper, the appraisal, and the search for the right context. Bilingualism without which no translation takes place enables him to do a comparative work between the languages in contact just as it permits him to break the barrier in communication between individuals. This paper seeks to bring what the translator does to the attention of the reader and to acquaint him with his modus operandi. It concludes that through the translator's endeavour, the world has gained unhindered access to books translated into various languages for information and action.
Key Words: bilingualism, translation, source language, target language, text, exegesis, and translator.
Global Jnl of Humanities Vol.2(1&2) 2003: 32-37