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Multi-element association and regional geochemistry of regolith in tashan jatau area, northwestern nigeria: implications for gold exploration
Soil geochemical surveys are widely used in the early stages of gold exploration, especially in areas with poor outcrops and thick overburden. Fifty-one (51) soil samples were collected in duplicate with the aim of analyzing them geochemically and determining the gold grade through panning and weighing methods. The geochemical results were subjected to multivariate statistical treatment through Factor analysis and Pearson correlation matrix. Four factors were generated from the PCA. These are Factor 1: Cu-Sr-Nb-Ba-La-W-Pb-Zr, suggesting sulfide mineralization that is related to granitic rock while Factor 2 has Au with a low to negative correlation with Mo and Nb suggesting a second phase of intrusion-related activity which must have emplaced gold in this area. Factor 3 is made up of W-Pb suggesting a second sulfide mineralization distinct from the first. While Factor 4 gives a single element factor, Hg. Single-elementt maps were constructed to show the element dispersion in the catchment. In general gold concentrations in this study is erratic and attain a high of 0.67ppm and 0.90g/t. The study delineates the northwestern part of the catchment to be the most prolific in terms of gold potential and shows that the granitic batholiths are the most primary gold-hosting lithology.