Twenty-eight Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) with maximum current electrode spread (AB/2) of 215 meter, conducted in Takum and its environs of Taraba State have been interpreted. The area falls within Latitudes 7°15\'-7° 27\' N and Longitudes 10° 00\'-10° 15\' E. From the study, 42% of the VES data indicate a three-layer geoelectric earth model, while the remaining 58% of the VES indicate four layer models. The first layer has an average thickness of 1.25m, and an average resistivity value of 1716 ohm-m. The second layer has an average thickness of about 8.31m and a mean resistivity value of 646 ohm-m.The third layer has an average thickness of 17.37m and an average resistivity of 3187 ohm-m. The forth layer has a mean resistivity value of 6886 ohm-m.
Based on the resistivity survey, five boreholes of depth between 69 and 99 m were drilled in the study area. The water table of the boreholes drilled varied from 1.3 to 5.1m. A relatively moderate mean transmissivity (T) value of 29m2/day, and an average hydraulic conductivity (k) value of 0.494 m/day, and pH value of 6.98 were also obtained.
Global Journal of Geological Sciences Vol. 3(2) 2005: 109-115