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Geoelectrical Exploration For Groundwater In A Crystalline Basement Terrain: The Case Of Obudu, S.E. Nigeria
Nineteen vertical electric sounding (VES) points were surveyed using ABEM Terrameter SAS 300B with a maximum current electrode separation of 350 meters. Results of the survey and the computer modeling identified a three to four layer geoelectric model. The geoelectric structure has been differentiated into possible lithological units of sandy clay, clay and sand. The fourth layer shows a high resistive unit which is indicative of fresh rock. The resistivity values and thicknesses of the third layer indicate water saturation and potential aquifer in the area.
KEY WORDS: Vertical Electrical Sounding, Electrode Configuration, Geoelectric model.
Global Journal of Geological Sciences Vol.3(1) 2005: 49-53