A ding-dong controversy over the term and reality of desertification has developed between two schools of thought in the environmental arena. The critics are of the view that desertification is a myth and is not occurring, while the pro-desertification opinions are supporting its existence. However, after a critical review of the situation, it was observed that the critics bases for contest, centre principally on the definition and characterization of desertification, the inaccurate statistics of the rate and extent of desertification; and the widely quoted 5.5 kilometres annual desert advance south of the Sahel given by the United Nations. These the critics say are not based on scientific standards and are full of speculations and subjective ideas; and thus, desertification is a political and "development" fiction. The paper therefore suggests the adoption of the term "environmental modification" on (land, water and air, (which can be negative or positive depending on needs) in place of "desertification" or "land degradation". It further suggests a harmonization of concepts by the two parties in addressing the issue of this phenomenon under contention, while also expressing the fear that the socio-economic activities of man, which are ever changing could make it very difficult for a common definition and perception about desertification to be achieved in near future.
KEY WORDS: Two schools of thought; definitional controversy; environmental arena; concept; desertification.
Global Journal of Geological Sciences Vol.2(2) 2004: 265-270