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Preliminary investigation on industrial properties of the Olode-Falansa pegmatite, Southwestern Nigeria
Chemical analysis shows variations in the major elements contents of the main minerals. In particular, quartz samples have 94.02 to 97.30% SiO2; 0.86 to 2.60% Al2O3; 0.05 to 1.02% K2O; and 0.13 to 1.29% Fe2O3, while the feldspar samples are 61.37 to 67.83% SiO2; 16.85 to 18.40% Al2O3; 11.35 to 14.32% K2O and 0.04 to 0.11% Fe2O3 respectively. The total alkalis (Na2O+K2O) indicate K-feldspar composition. The specific gravity for quartz ranges from 2.60 – 2.63, while that of feldspar is from 2.55 –2.58. Water absorption capacity is higher for quartz (25.10 – 27.10%) than feldspar (4.61 – 5.80%). Compressive strength of selected pegmatite minerals indicates values from 133.24 to 223.84MN/m2.
This investigation shows that the pegmatites have good potential for industrial uses. They can be used directly as raw materials or after beneficiation. In particular, the quartz and feldspars can find application in the refractory, glass, ceramic and abrasive industries. They can also be found useful in minor construction works especially in homes and offices. Muscovite can be used as thermal and electrical insulators, while the beryl can be useful as ornaments. The associated rocks such as gneisses, quartzites and granites can be useful in interior and exterior decorations as well as in tiles manufacturing.
KEY WORDS: Olode Pegmatite; K-feldspar; Quartz; Raw Materials
Global Journal of Geological Sciences Vol.2(2) 2004: 255-264