The possibility of using the extensive clay deposit at Vimtim in Mubi area, northeastern Nigeria for coarse ceramic manufacture was investigated. Relevant ceramic properties of the clays have been determined and their suitability is satisfactory. Results of the assessment reveal clays that are fine-grained (85.6-96% < 2μm), plastic (36-53% PI), and moderately dense (1200-1720 g/m3). Mean values of other industrial properties include 6.9% shrinkage, 6.8% porosity, 34.5N/m3 mechanical strength, 7.7% LOI, reddish yellow firing colours. Their average chemical composition includes 70.5% SiO2, 17.04% Al2O3, 2.58% Total Fe oxides, 0.26% Na2O, 0.92% K2O, 0.89% MgO and appreciable kaolinite content. These parameters suggest good clay raw materials for the manufacture of coarse ceramic products like earthenware, kitchenware, ornamental wares and scientific wares.
Key words: Clay deposit, Vimtim - Mubi, Nigeria, Ceramic qualities.
[Global Jnl Geol. Sci. Vol.1(2) 2003: 169-178]