A. Nur
Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology. Yola, Nigeria.
O.C. Ofoegbu
Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology. Yola, Nigeria
K.M. Onuoha
Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology. Yola, Nigeria
Two-dimensional spectral analysis and Hibert transformation of aeromagnetic data over the Upper Benue trough were carried out in order to estimate the depths to magnetic sources and also delineate the major structural patterns in the study area. The analysis conducted indicates a two-depth source model. The deeper magnetic sources depth of up to 3328m and this represents the sedimentary cover in the study area. The highest depth to the shallower magnetic source model is 830m and represents intrusive/extrusive bodies within the tectonic evolution and the preliminary assessment of the hydrocarbon generation and maturation prospects of the Upper Benue Trough.
Keywords: Upper Benue trough, Fourier Transform, Hilbert Transform, sediment thickness and Crustal Structure
[Global Jnl Geol. Sci. Vol.1(2) 2003: 129-142]