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Needs of the Host Population and Tourism Development in the Lake Bosomtwe Basin of Ghana

FE Amuquandoh


Understanding residents·needs is essential for the long term sustainability or tourism destinations. A popular axiom underlying needs assessment is that understanding human needs is half the job of meeting them. This paper assesses the needs and deficiencies of the communities around Lake Bosomtwe in order to inform tourism development in the basin. A resident survey conducted in the basin in January, 2006 revealed that the communities in the basin have similar needs. While the leading need of the individual was micro credit that of communities was social amenities. The hierarchical arrangements or community needs are social amenities, health, education, economic improvement, recreational facilities, security and environmental protection. Based on the top needs of the communities, it was concluded that most of the needs and aspirations of the people are consistent with tourism development as they constitute an important prerequisite for tourism development in any attractive destination.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2821-8892
print ISSN: 0855-9414