A. SCOPE: Contributions in any aspect of forest science and related disciplines will be considered.
All submissions to the journal should be sent in Triplicate to: Editorial Committee, Ghana Journal of Forestry, UST-Box
63, Kumasi, Ghana. Tel. (051)-60123, 60373;
Fax (051)-60121; E-mail: gjf@csir-forig.org.gh.
1. Title page should include title, authors and their affiliations; and all articles should have line numbering.
Should be on a separate page and should not be more than 250 words. The abstract should be followed by not more than five keywords.
3. The paper should be divided into suitable sections under short headings.
4. All submissions should be in English, typed in double space on one side only of A4 (210mm x 297mm) paper with borders of 30mm on all sides.
5. Tables/Figures should be submitted on separate pages. Each table/figure should be numbered consecutively and have a title and be cited in the text.
6. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
7. Drawings should be completely lettered, the size of lettering being appropriate to that of the drawings.
8. Photographs should be of good quality, submitted on separate pages, be numbered, have titles and referred to in the text.
9. References should be cited in the text as follows:
(i) Osei (1998) and should appear in the text at the end of an appropriate sentence or as part of a sentence.
(ii) All references should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order on separate sheets and should include all publications cited in the text as follows: Baidoe, J. F. (1996) Yield regulation in the high forest of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry 2:22-27.
(iii) In the list of references, all titles of periodicals should be given in full, journals names should be written in full; while for books, the title, place of publication, name of publisher and edition if any should be stated as follows: Jane, F. W. (1996) The Structure of Wood, 1st ed. London, A and C Black, p328.
C. Authors should submit an electronic version of accepted articles using Microsoft Word 2003 and save the files as follows: (last name) – (initial of first name) (file format extension). Eg. Smith – t. doc with the following format: Line Spacing: single spaced for text; double spaced between paragraphs.
Figures and photos: All figures and photos must be placed within the text where they should occur.
D. Reprints: 10 reprints of each article will be supplied free of charge to the author(s).

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eISSN: 0855-1707
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