Sum of individual PCBs congeners in surface water and sediment samples from Warri River system, a coastal river of Niger Delta, Nigeria were measured between March and June 2003. Specific individual PCBs analysis was by HPGC series 6890. Mean concentrations of ΣPCBs in surface water samples ranged from 0.35 μg l-l (Tori Creek) to 1.30 μg l-l (Crawford Creek). Sediment samples had higher levels ranging from 2.00 ng g-l (Tori Creek) to 7.00 ng g-l (Crawford Creek). Null hypothesis of normality was rejected at p>0.05 indicating significant difference between the matrices. Concentrations of PCB were compared with ecotoxicological benchmarks and regulatory guidelines to determine potential concern for effects on aquatic life and human health. Measured mean concentrations in surface water and sediments samples from Crawford creek station indicated concern for environmental and public health because of their exceedence of the US EPA PCB limit for drinking water (0.0005μgl-l) and water quality criteria for chronic exposure (79pgl-l) through drinking water and fish ingestion.
KEY WORDS: PCBs, Water, Sediment, Hazard, Warri River.
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol.4(1) 2005: 65-71