The depth profile of the natural radionuclides namely: 40U; 238U and 232Th in the soil around the consolidated Tin mine site, Bukuru-Jos of Plateau State was examined in this study. Gamma scintillation spectrometry with Nal (TI) was used for the analysis. Results revealed that the average concentration of 40K is highest at a depth level of 20 – 25cm and lowest at 25-30cm 238U is highest at 10 – 15cm and lowest at 25-30cm while 232Th is also highest at the level 10-15cm and lowest at 15-20cm. The results to the large extent indicate no particular trend.
KEY WORDS: Radioactivity, radionuclides, soil, scintillation, gamma.
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol.3(1&2) 2004: 1-6