This paper presents the results of thermal comfort investigation conducted on forty-two acclimatized individuals casting their votes on a scale of preference at half-hourly intervals for a period of seven days. Simultaneously, indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity readings were obtained using simple hygrometers. The mean indoor temperature for the zone is 26.3 0C and the mean indoor relative humidity 30.5%. The individuals expressed comfort in the temperature range of 24 0C to 28 0C. This temperature is compared with an earlier reported study and found to be close to values obtained in the temperate region. The range of temperatures and relative humidity would be useful in the design and development of energy efficient buildings in the temperate dry climate.
keywords: built environment, thermal comfort, thermal neutrality, temperate dry climate, subjective response.
[Global Jnl Environ Sci Vol.2(1) 2003: 53-58]