O.O. Odukoya
Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
T.A. Arowolo
Department of Environmental Management & Toxicology, University of Agricultu
O. Bamgbose
Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology, University of Agriculture
The effect of the municipal solid waste landfill a Ring Road Ibadan on the quality of the underground water in the surrounding area and adjacent surface water was investigated. Samples of water from these sources were analyzed for the following physico-chemical parameters: Ph , conductivity, total solid, dissolved solid, suspended solid, total hardness, chloride, phosphate, sulphate phenol and the metals, Na, K, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe and Al.
Results showed the landfill to be a source of inorganic and organic pollution since most of these parameters showed increased concentrations over those from control sites. Comparison with WHO guidelines (1991) indicate that most of the water samples are not suitable for human consumption.
Keywords: Landfill, groundwater, surface-water, pollution.
[Global Jnl Environ Sci Vol.1(1) 2002: 43-52]