River Mu in Makurdi Area of Benue State, Nigeria, was evaluated for its suitability as irrigation water source. Both qualitative and quantitative studies of the river water were carried out. Results of laboratory analysis show that the concentration values of physical and chemical parameters such as electrical conductivity, pH, temperature, Total dissolved solid, Alkalinity, Magnesium, Chlorine, Boron, Silica, Fluoride, chemical oxygen demand, sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, Nitrate-Nitrogen and free carbon dioxide fall within the acceptable limit except for Boron and potassium. The discharge of the river was determined as 22.93m3/s using the float method giving an estimated average annual discharge (yield) of 723,120,480m3. This supply volume exceeds the crop water requirement of sugar cane crop which is dominantly cultivated around River Mu for dry season irrigation.