The characteristics of effluent produced in Uyo Capital city slaughterhouses located at Ntak Inyang and Iba Oku were monitored by water and wastewater parameters. The wastewater from the slaughterhouses generally shows a high pollutant strength. The BOD value of 7.25mg/l, DO value of 0.21mg/l, nutrient values of 1.14 and 1.25mg/l, respectively. The heavy metals concentrations recorded are 0.05, 15.5, 16.05, 0.75 and 0.10mg/l for cadmium, zinc, copper, iron and lead with several million colony forming units (CFU) 100ml of total coliform and other bacteria. The presence of pathogens such as E.coli and others were also present. Effluents from the abattoir sites were found not to increase the BOD, NO3-, PO3-4, Cd, Fe, Pb, Cu and Zn values of the surface water. These values were lower than the WHO/FMENV limits, due to dilution from the heavy down pours during sampling. The present of microbial populations in the surface water indicate the risk of human infections in the study area.