The study assesses the utilization of technical teachers in Akwa Ibom State technical colleges. The study design was ex-post facto. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study consisted of all the technical colleges in Akwa Ibom State. Inventory method titled: ”Teaching Personnel Inventory (TPI)” was designed and used to elicit data from the state technical school Board on students’ enrolment, teaching personnel statistics as well as teachers’ qualifications and experience. Percentage scores were used to analyse the data collected to compare the actual state of the teaching personnel with the standard and criteria set by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). The study revealed that teaching personnel in technical colleges in Akwa
Ibom State possess the required qualifications and experience as stipulated by National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).The teacher/ student ratios in the colleges are high and the teachers are fully utilized. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things, that the state government should employ more suitably qualified teaching personnel to reduce the surging teacher/ student ratios in the colleges.