The fact that the world is now a global village has become a cliché, yet many members of this village seem to be reluctant to get involved with Information & Communication Technology (ICT), the fastest and best means of communication in this world comity. The study therefore ascertained the level of ICT interaction among senior staff members of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) and thereby determined their levels of technophobia. Using the ex-post facto design, 4 hypotheses were generated. Through stratified random sampling of 9 faculties/division comprising a total population of 1894, 290 respondents were sampled. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of Background
Information Scale (BIS) and Level of Interaction with Modern Information & Technology Scale (LIWICTS). Result indicates that there is a significant level of technophobia among senior staff members of UNICAL. It was recommended among other things that university staff members either accept technological changes and move with the times or remain clogs in the wheel of progress and perpetual technophobes.