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Effects Of Self-Directed Learning Instructional Strategy On Mathematics Achievement Of Students’ With Learning Disabilities In Calabar Municipality Of Cross River State, Nigeria
This study adopted pretest -posttest control quasi experimental design to examine the effects of self directed learning instructional strategy on Mathematics achievement of students’ with learning disabilities in Calabar Municipality of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research questions were posed which were translated into two null hypotheses.
Simple random sampling technique was used to select 4 schools out of 16 which a sample of 104 students with learning disabilities were selected via Teacher nomination check list and school record One instruments titled “Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) was used as Pre-Test (PREMAT), and Post-Test (POSTMAT) was developed by the researcher and validated by experts was used for data collection. The reliability of the Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT), was established using Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (KR–20) after subjecting the instruments to a trial test of 20 students with learning disabilities who are not part of the sample for the study but have relevant qualities as those in the study gives an index of 83. The research questions were answer using descriptive statistics(mean) and the hypotheses were tested using One Way Analysis of Covariance for two hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference between the mean Mathematics achievement scores of students’ with learning disabilities who were taught using self irected learning and those taught with lecture method, also Male and female students do significantly differ in their mean mathematics academic score when taught using self-directed learning. It was therefore concluded that Mathematics achievement of students with learning disabilities depend on self directed learning well guided by the teachers. Based on this, it was recommended amongst others that self directed learning strategy should be adopted in teaching students with learning disabilities in public secondary schools in order to enhance their academic achievement in Mathematics.