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Assessing Primary School Teachers Perceptions Of The Shift From Content Based To Competency Based Curriculum In Nigeria
This study investigated the perceptions of primary school teachers in Nigeria regarding the shift from a content-based to a competency-based curriculum. A descriptive survey design was used, and the population comprised 149 public higher Basic education teachers in two Local Government Areas of Cross River State. The instrument for data collection was a 15-item questionnaire titled "Basic Education Teachers Questionnaire on the Shift from Content Based to Competency Based Curriculum in Nigeria" (BETQISCCN). The questionnaire was validated by three experts in teacher education and educational psychology and had a reliability coefficient of 0.81. The major findings of the study revealed that both male and female basic teachers in Nigeria had a positive perception of the shift from a content-based to a competency-based curriculum, with an overall acceptance of the curriculum reform. This suggests that teachers believe the competency-based curriculum will improve student learning outcomes, their own teaching practices, and empower students to become agents of change in their communities. One of the recommendations is that Nigerian government and educational stakeholders to provide ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge in implementing the competency-based curriculum.