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Assessment Of Internet Resources Utilization By Business Education Students For Learning In The University Of Calabar
The study assessed internet resources utilization by business education students for learning in the University of Calabar. Two specific purposes and two research questions guided the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted in the study. The population of the study comprised two hundred and four (204) business education students in the University of Calabar in the 2022/2023 academic session. The entire population was used, thus, no sampling was done. A checklist developed by the researcher titled: Internet Resources Utilization Checklist (IRUC) was used as instrument for data collection. The instrument was validated by two subject experts in business education and one expert in test and measurement. The instrument was further tested for reliability using split-half approach. The overall reliability results obtained was 0.86. Frequency count and percentage was used to analyse data. Finding revealed that business education students in the University of Calabar to large extent utilize internet resources for learning. Search engines were the most utilized internet resources, contributing approximately 22% to students’ learning. They were closely followed by database which contributes 21% to students’ learning. The next were social media sites and multimedia, contributing 19% each and the last was Emails which contributed 16% to learning. The study concluded that the utilization of internet resources for educational purposes enhanced students’ learning. It was recommended that schools should provide students with reliable internet facilities to enable easy access to learning resources on the Internet.