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Unwillingness to pay for urban water development in the Cape Coast Municipality of the Central Region

MK Nkrumah


Unwillingness to pay (UNWTP) findings have been ignored in a number of willingness to pay studies. UNWTP explains the limited access to potable water by UNWTP, 70% of the sampled households mentioned the high level of water price as the main reason for UNWTP. It also addresses gender implications on payment of utility services at the household level. Men rather than women are more unwilling to pay, giving support at the household level. UNWTP was finally identified a strong indicator of consumers' dissatisfaction with the services of the water company. Improvements in the quality of services by the water company to customers and the government support for the poor by way of subsidies are likely to increase access to potable water by the people, especially the poor.

Ghana Journal of Development Studies Vol.1(1) 2004: 91-109

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-6768
print ISSN: 0855-6768