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The technical management and sustainability of small-town water systems: experiences from the North Gonja District, Ghana

Maxwell Okrah
Raymond John Tiika


Many interventions have been implemented for the technical management and sustainability of Small-Town Water Systems, but the expected results are few. Small-Town Water Systems are fraught with challenges, leading to the unsustainability of most of them in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, this study assessed the technical management and sustainability of Small-Town Water Systems using experiences from the North Gonja District in Ghana. A qualitative approach to research with a case study design was adopted. A total of 53 participants were purposively sampled and were seen as key stakeholders with in-depth knowledge of the Small-Town Water Systems in the District which they shared for this study. Interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data from the participants. The data were analysed by thematic analysis. The results revealed that the Small-Town Water Systems needed rehabilitation with innovative technologies, maintenance and repairs were reactive, small-towns recovery mechanisms from major breakdowns were weak, resulting in long Small-Town Water Systems downtimes, Water System Management Teams technical know- how was low, and there was limited technical support services. Small-Town Water Systems should be revamped with modern and digital technological designs and operated professionally. The study concludes that the current technical management of Small-Town Water Systems by the Water System Management Teams poses a threat to their sustainability. The study recommends an establishment of a linkage between technical management and the operations of Small-Town Water Systems to ensure sustainability. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-6768
print ISSN: 0855-6768