Conventional community development strategies have focused on the importance of physical, natural, financial, and human capitals. In spite of the emphasis on these in the pursuit of development, a number of community development problems persist. Given the huge evidence that social capital matters in community development efforts, it appears that the missing link in community development is social capital. Yet this has not been adequately explored. This paper explores the role of social capital in the community development planning process. Comparative case study design was used. Two rural communities were selected from the Ejisu-Juaben Municipal Area for in-depth study. Interviews were conducted with the principal and assistant Municipal Planning officers and two Principal Community Development Officers from the Municipal Assemblies and the traditional leaders of both communities. Assembly members were used as key informants. Focus group discussions were held with community groups. Forty respondents were randomly selected at the household level and interviewed. The analysis focused on social networks, trust, civic engagement and social norms. It was found that social capital could facilitate the community development planning process by promoting the participation of community members in community activities, increase their ability to work together and engender overall development. There is a correlation between community development and the level of social capital. The paper recommends that development planning at the sub-national levels can be more responsive if it utilizes networks and social ties in the preparation and implementation of plans.
Keywords: Social Capital, Development, Planning, Ghana, Participation