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Effect of different protein levels on the growth performance of African giant land snail (Achatina achatina) fed soybean meal based diets
water were provided ad libitum for 16 weeks. Results showed that there were significant (P<0.05) differences among treatments in feed intake, final body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, average shell length and average shell width. Snails fed diets containing 16, 18, 20 and 22% crude protein had FBW of 8.35g, 8.36g, 8.98g and 10.04g, respectively; weight gain of 6.51g, 6.55g, 7.18g and 8.33g, respectively and feed intake of 12.61g, 12.14g, 8.09g and 14.16g, respectively. There were no significant differences (P.0.05) among treatments in initial body weight, protein efficiency ratio, average shell weight, average visceral weight, average edible weight and feed cost per kg weight gain. The results obtained in this study show that dietary protein level of about 22% is adequate for the growth of African giant land snails (Achatina achatina) in the humid tropics.