WD Nafarnda
Adamawa State college of Agriculture, PMB 1010 Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
HI Kubkomawa
Adamawa State college of Agriculture, PMB 1010 Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
AA Mshelia
Adamawa State college of Agriculture, PMB 1010 Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
YI Nesati
Adamawa State college of Agriculture, PMB 1010 Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
The study was carried out to evaluate the fertility rate of white Fulani (Bunaji) and Friesian breeds of cattle following artificial insemination (A. I). Artificial insemination was performed following Oestrus synchronization using prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) in 368 white Fulani and 230 Friesian cows at West Africa Milk Company (WAMCO), Vom Jos, Plateau State over a period of three years (January 1989 to December 1991). Frozen semen of a Friesian bull imported from Holland was used for the A. I. The cows were monitored for pregnancy by measuring the serum and or milk progesterone level and the numbers of pregnant and non-pregnant cows recorded. The fertility rates in the inseminated cows were 89% and 91% in White Fulani and Friesian breeds respectively. The implications of the result on livestock production in Nigeria are highlighted.
Keywords: fertility rate, White Fulani, Friesian, breeds, artificial insemination
Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 4(2) 2005: 155-157