P.M. Kyesmu
Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Science, P.M.B.2084, University of Jos,
S.H. Mantell
Unit for Advanced Propagation Systems (UAPS), Department of Agriculture, Horticu
Effects of DNA extraction procedures on the characterization of a minor tuber crop 'Rizga' (Plectranthus esculentus N. Br) was demonstrated. Result indicated that evaluation of DNA extraction procedures was necessary in developing a standard protocol that would be suitable for the DNA fingerprinting of P.esculentus clones. Whereas DNA polymorphism was observed in clones under evaluation when extraction procedure Dex 1 was used, there was non observed in the case of Dex2. Furthermore, the estimation of the genetic distances and similarities between some clones of P.esculentus using RAPD profiles obtained from DEx1 procedure indicated that clones VTH and VTHc were similar with a coefficient of 0.83. Clones LK and VTJ had a coefficient of 0.67 followed by VTB and LM with a coefficient of 0.57 as also VTA and VTF with a coefficient of 0.57. Coefficients of the other clones under study are further discussed.
Key Words : Characterization, RAPD, tuber, Plectranthus esculentus
[Global Jnl Agric Sci Vol.1(1) 2002: 33-40]