The physical properties of six Inland valley pedons in central Cross River State, Nigeria were investigated. The percent total sand generally decreased with increase in profile depth with the mean total sand for the surface horizons of 47.4% and 37.2% for the subsoil horizons. The mean of percent silt for the surface horizons was 26.9% and 27.2% was that of the subsoil ones while the corresponding values for clay were 25.9% and 38.7%. The percent clay generally increased with increase in profile depth. The surface layers were generally loamy in texture while the subsoil layers were clayey. The mean bulk density of the topsoil horizons was 1.03gcm-3 while that of the subsoil was 1.32gcm-3. Mean particle density of the surface and subsoil horizons were 2.31gcm-3 and 2.29gcm-3 respectively. The mean of total porosity for the surface horizons was 55.1% and that of the subsoil horizons was 32.18%. Soils with these physical properties are very suitable for swamp rice production and dry season farming since their erodibility is low and capillarity high.
Keywords: Physical properties, surface soil, subsoil horizon, porosity, texture.
[Global Jnl Agric Res Vol.2(1) 2003: 37-42]