The productivity of agriculture in Nigeria over the years has relied extensively on the scientific innovations transferred to farmers from research institutes via extension services. Thus, technology development most often has been based on scientific research approach, with little or no collaboration with the indigenous people. This is based on the argument that indigenous people are ignorant, fatalistic and have nothing to offer as solutions to their problems. Incidentally, the imposition of scientific technology development framework, without the incorporation of the indigenous knowledge systems of local communities to a large extent, is believed to have contributed to failures in sustainable resource use and erosion of biodiversity. It is evident that indigenous societies have profound and detailed knowledge of the system, environment and species (plants and animals) which they are in contact with for generations and have developed strategies based on their own indigenous technical knowledge to solve their own problems. Therefore, full recognition of indigenous knowledge system of the “supposed users” of technology, their local traditions and technology endowment capabilities are central to the issue of sustainable and equitable technology development and utilization. This paper examines critically the technology development processes and suggest framework for enhancing the integration and use of indigenous knowledge system in technology development