The biomass productivity of the Winneba plains of Ghana was measured between January 1990 and February 1992. Ten sampling sites were chosen for the study. An area of 5.0 m W 5.0 m was demarcated and within it an area of 1.0 m W 1.0 m was harvested at monthly intervals, clipped by means of sickle at 5 cm above ground, and dried at 70 oC for more than 48 h for dry matter determination. Crop growth rate was then estimated. Dry matter yields were 5.29 and 6.31 tha-1yr-1 on the clayey and sandy soils respectively, averaging 5.87 t ha-1yr-1 for the Winneba plains. The respective crop growth rates on the clayey and sandy soils were 1.935 and 2.236 g m-3 day-1 between April and August, 0.867 and 1.0779 g m-2 day-1 between September and February and 0.296 and 0.742 g m-2 day-1 respectively in March. Carrying capacity may probably be in the range of 2.18 and 3.86 ha AU-1 per annum.
(Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, 1996, 29(2): 9-14)