The study examined the impact of Widowhood on the Livelihood activities or rural women in Rivers State, Nigeria. Specifically the objects were; to examine the socio-economic characteristics of rural women in Rivers State, ascertain their Livelihood activities and determine how Widowhood Impact on their Livelihood activities. The sample population for the study was 300 rural women, comprising 155 widows and 145 non-widows sampled using multiple sampling techniques. Primary data were gathered using a structured questionnaire and recorded responses during Focus Group Discussion (FGD) sessions. Data obtained from these processes were analysed using descriptive statistics – percentage and mean; while the hypothesis was tested with Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The findings include; that majority of the rural women had formal education at least the lower basic (6 years), engaged in varied Livelihood activities and belonged to different community based organizations. It also shows that widowhood impacted negatively on the Livelihood activities of rural women, as it robs women the chances of meaningful livelihood. It was therefore, suggested that rural women should be empowered educationally and economically through deliberate state policies in order to prepare them for the challenges of widowhood.