The paper investigated technological packages extended to farmers by Non Governmental Organizations in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. Data for the study was collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 450 respondents in the study area. Findings revealed that yam minisett technology, hybrid cassava varieties, and hybrid cereal crops were the significant crop production technologies extended in the study area. The livestock and fishery technology extended include sheep and goat, modern rabbitary, poultry, piggery and fish production. Modern snailery was the only identified agro forestry technology extended, while use of fertilizer, soil control measures, and land preparation/cropping technologies were the significant soil management practices extended. Farmers agreed that the following strategies should be adopted in delivering extension packages to them. These include advisory services, (M=3.29), timely supply of farm input (M=3.16), group farming (M=3.14), organization of farmers into cooperatives (M=3.53), regular access to extension advice (M=2.74), regular training programmes (M=3.29), and mass media mobilization (M=2.81). Based on the findings of the study it is recommended that the Agricultural NGOs should be encouraged to expand their areas of coverage of extension activities within the rural setting. Also, the non-agricultural NGOs operating in the region, should be encouraged to get involved in agricultural development programmes.