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Analysis Of The Social-Economic Factors Affecting Output Of Nihort Fruit Adoptors And Non-Adoptors In Okigwe Agricultural Zone, Imo State
The study analysed the socio-economic factors affecting output of NIHORT, fruit adopters and non-adopters in Okigwe Agricultural Zone of Imo State. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 160 respondent, (80 adopters and 80 non-adopters) selected by multistage sample technique. Data analysis were by the use of descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (multiple regression) statistical tools. The study revealed that both the adopters (38.8%) and non-adopters (36.3%) are both in their productive ages. Majority (87.5%) of the adopters are males and so also are the non-adopters (82.5%). A moderate family size of 6-7 family members are in adopters and non-adopters, while majority of both (non-adopters 40.0%, adopters 32.5%) have no formal education. Both are small-scale- farmers and do not generate up to N200, 000 income per annum from farming. The adopters are interested and adopt mainly exotic fruits trees while the non-adopters interest is negligible. Both are averse to adoption of indigenous fruit species. Multiple regression analysis showed that educational level, family size and income are not important determinant of the output of fruit in the study area. However, farm size, gender and age have positive effect on the output of fruits in the study area. It was recommended that both adopters and nonadopters should develop interest in the adoption of indigenous fruits-trees so that they do not go into extinction. Extension agents presence is necessary in the study area so as to organise training for the farmers. The farmers should be empowered to go into medium scale farming to enable them make more income.
Key words: fruit adoptors, non-adoptors, farmers