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Pattern of soyabean awareness, use and consumption among Selected households in Port Harcourt metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria
The most serious challenge facing sub-Saharan Africa is wide spread of malnutrition and lack of food security. This has resulted to cases of mortality, morbidity and spread of illhealth. The utilization of soyabean in household can form a basis for food security in Nigeria. This is because soyabean serves as a supplement for meat proteins which is expensive and income elastic. This study, therefore examined the pattern of soyabean awareness, and the constraints in its use and consumption among households in Port Harcourt metropolis, southeastern Nigeria. Data were collected by the use of structured questionnaire administered to ninety- eight (98) respondents from selected households, selected in a stratified random fashion. Percentages, mean scores and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed for data analysis, The study found that most of the households were mostly aware, of the importance and benefits of soyabean to health (68.3 %). The source of awareness was commonly through friends and relatives (66.3 %). The household members were also aware of various soyabean products; preventive (68.3 %) and curative effects (55 %) in human health. The major constraints to soyabean utilization include: offensive Bean flavour, lack of technology in soyabean processing, poor extension communication services. There were no significant difference in the awareness and consumption of soyabean among the households (p<0.05). However, the use of soyabean among households showed significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusively, the households are aware of the importance of soyabean, but strive to acquire more information about it. It is recommended that there is need to educate the respondents on the ways to improve their diets. Trained Home Economic extension agents should educate households on the value of soyabean products, to increase use and to improve the nutritional status of the population particularly young children.
Key words: soyabean awareness, use and consumption