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Effects Of Socio-Economic Characteristics Of Farmers On Savings Mobilization For Agricultural Production In Mubi Region, Adamawa State, Nigeria
24.5% attended post secondary education, 25.7% have family size of 7-9 people, 78.9% indicated farming as their main occupation, 35.8% also indicated farming as their secondary occupation with 49.5% giving reasons as some of farm income, 26.1% have farming experience over 25 years, 53% have annual income of N20, 000 and above and 59.8%
obtained farm land by inheritance. Other findings include 55% of them have distance of savings institutions above 11kms, 40.7% use peer groups and age groups as source of farm labour, 46.9% produce for commercial purpose, 31.5% have fertilizer purchase aided by
savings, 61.4% have total annual savings of less than N 10, 000. On factors influencing farmers to save, 31.1% have rate of farm income in agricultural production inadequate, 39.4% parents as source of finance, 67.7% farm gate as sales point of agricultural produce,
46.9% prices of farm produce as good and 46.9% poor farm yields as a factor influencing savings. Regression analysis shows that X2(annual income), X3(household size), and X4(farming expenditure) significantly influence total annual savings of farmers (P<0.05).