The study investigated the constraints in the effective implementation of the Agricultural sector Employment programme of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) in Enugu State. The population for the study was the 694 participants (beneficiaries) of the programme in the state. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 120 randomly selected respondents. Data was analyzed using percentages, mean scores, and rank orders. Results showed that all the service roles of the NDE to the participants were perceived to be inadequately performed. Some of the personal related constraints found to be seriously affecting implementation of the programmme included poor financial outlay and too many personal commitments. On the other hand, late/irregular disbursement of loan to participants, irregular/late supply of fertilizers and other agro-chemicals and at inflated rates, among others, were the Agency-related constraints to effective programme implementation. High cost of transportation, problems of pests and diseases and difficulty in acquiring enough land for farming were some of the socio-cultural/environmental constraints to effective programme implementation.
Global Approaches to Extension Practice Vol.1(1) 2005: 55-63