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Xiinxala maqaalee nama dhuunfaa oromoo booranaa: ija xiinjecha Afaan Oromootiin Morphological analysis of Borana Oromo personal names: the perspective of Afaan Oromoo morphology

Dabalaa Tamasgeen
Alamaayyoo Faqqadaa
Aliimaa Jibriil


Kaayyoon gooroo qorannoo kanaa, maqaalee nama dhuunfaa Oromoo Booranaa ija xiinjecha Afaan Oromootiin xiinxaluudha. Kaayyoon gooree immoo, akkaataa uumamsaafi caasaa maqaaleen nama dhuunfaa Oromoo Booranaa qaban ibsuudha. Sababni kaayyoon kun xiyyeeffatameefis, qaawwi qorannoo iraachuu; akkaataa uumamsaafi caasaa maqaaleen kunniin qaban qorachuun barreeffamaan olkaa’uufiidha. Malli qorannichaa akkamtaa ta’ee, akaakuun isaa ibsaadha. Maddi ragaalee, madda ragaa tokkoffaafi lammaffaati. Malli iddatteessuu, iddatteessuu mit-carraa keessaa kayyeeffataadha. Tooftaalee ragaaleen ittiin guuraman immoo, afgaaffiifi qaaccessa dookimantiiti. Ragaaleen guuraman kunniin, yaaxxina xiinlatawaa jechootaa bu’uura taasifachuun mala ibsaatiin xiinxalaman. Ragaalee xiinxalaman irraa bu’aan argame: Maqaaleen nama dhuunfaa Oromoo Booranaa, walitti qindoomina gareewwan jechootaafi qaamota jechoota Afaan Oromoo garagaraafi latiilee irraa kan uumamaniifi amaloota garee jechaa afaanichaa kan calaqqisiisaniidha. Innis, walitti qindoomina maqibsaafi latiilee, maqaalee biroofi latiilee, jechoota qabiyyeefi jechoota tajaajilaa, jechoota tajaajilaafi bamaqaa, hundee jechaafi latiileerraa; maqibsii qofarraa; jechoota qabiyyee qofarraa; jechoota tajaajilaa qofarraa; adeemsa kutanii hidhuutiin kan uumamaniidha. Haalota kana keessatti latiileen /-aa/, /- a/, /ϕ/, /-cha/, /-tuu/, /-tii/, /-oo/, /-o/, /a-/, /-sa/, /-ee/, /-e/, /-lee/, /-ii/ jedhaman haala garagaraan fufamuun tajaajila maqeessuu, murteessuufi koorniyaa agarsiisu. Caasaa maqaaleen haala kanaan uumaman qaban immoo, amala jecha salphaa, dachaa, xaxamaafi dachaa xaxamaa Afaan Oromoo calaqqisiisu. Gabaabumatti, maqaan ogumdaneessa waan ta’eef, qorattoonni yaaxxina xiinlatawaa jechootaas ta’e, kallattii biroon uunkaafi caasaa maqaaleen nama dhuunfaa yeroo ammaa galumsa aadaa Oromoo garagaraa keessatti moggaaffamaa jiran, qorachuun ifoomsuun barbaachisaadha. Akkasumas, hayyoonni xiinqooqaa qorannoowwan gama xiinqooqa Afaan Oromootiin jiran muraasa waan ta’aniif, osoo xiyyeeffannoo addaatiin irratti hojjetamee gaariidha. 

The major objective of this research is to examine Borana Oromoo personal names from the perspective of Afaan Oromoo morphological analysis. The specific objectives of the study are to describe the formation, nature and structure of personal names of the Borana Oromoo. The reason this objective is focused on to fill the gaps observed in the research; and to examine the formation and structure of these personal names and preserve in written form. The methodology of the research is qualitative research in which descriptive method of data analysis is implemented. Sources of data are primary and secondary. The sampling technique is targeted in non-random sampling in which purposive sampling method was used. The data collection strategies were interviews and document analysis. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive methods based on lexical morphological theory. The findings from the data analysed are: personal names in the Borana Oromoo are formed from the different parts of speech and parts of words and morphemes reflecting the characteristics of these parts of speech. That means the  ames are formed from the combination of adjectives and morphemes, other nouns and morphemes, content words and functional words, functional words and pronouns, root words and morphemes; from adjectives alone; from content words alone; and from functional words alone. Moreover, the names are also formed in the process of blending different forms of words. In this formation, morphemes such as /- aa/, /-a/, /ϕ/, /-cha/, /-tuu/, /-tii/, /-oo/, /-o/, /a-/, /-sa/, /-ee/, /-e/, /-lee/, /-ii/ are used as to make ominalization, identifiers and gender indicators. The structures of these personal names in this formation have the characteristics of simple, compound, complex and compound complex words. In general, since personal names are very multidiscipinary, researchers are struggling to analyse personal names both in forms and structures of contemporary personal names based on the cultural context in which the names are bestowed. In addition, since few researches are done in the areas of Afaan Oromoo linguistics, it is recommended that additional researches have to be done and given special attention. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-3985
print ISSN: 2616-3977